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Get a Website Redesign Already… Makeovers are Good for You.

A business website is your window into the world. Because it is the first point of call for many of your customers worldwide, it is important that your website looks flawless to give a lasting impression. However, what was elegant a couple of years ago might not be so much so in today’s fast-pace cyberworld. Your business website might need a new look for these reasons.

Security Enhancement

Part of a business website redesign is to help keep it safe from illegal third-party access; digital marketing is functional only if you have access to your website. As cyber attacks become more sophisticated and targeted, chances are your website’s vulnerabilities are easier to exploit now than they were before. A business website redesign puts you on the latest technology available, whiles putting an elegant touch to your site. A good redesign would also come along with more modern malware protection tools as well as other intrusion detection and protection systems.

More Value for Money

Digital marketing tools are not static. They change over time in a bid to make it easy to encourage customer interactions. Newer tools are created to better understand ways of serving customers more efficiently, while older ones are ditched or redesigned. Social media integration, for example, comes in different forms. There are tools that make it easy to post Facebook comments right under the comments tab of your website articles. Others just make it easy to share or tweet an article with other users. If your business website doesn’t allow for some of these real-time interactions, you will be losing out on an important element in your digital marketing efforts.

There might be other pages of your website that you must update, and a redesign will help you fix this. For example, your contact page must demand the barest information to maintain your digital marketing drive without putting the visitor off. If it would not affect the reputation of your business, a well-designed business website could help you take advantage of modern trends like ad placements to help your business earn extra revenue. Other integrations like popups can help you build your mailing list and develop an efficient email marketing strategy.

Also, not all website themes integrate well with newer plugins and monitoring tools. Issues of compatibility could lead to bad rendering on desktop or on mobile, thereby creating a distorted image of your business in the customer’s eyes; this hampers your digital marketing efforts. To get maximum benefits, you’ll have to reinvent your business website.

Lower Bounce Rate

Another reason why you would need a website redesign is if your current site were experiencing a high bounce rate. Bounce rate is the percentage of users who leave your website without interacting. It could be that they visited your site but never clicked a single button to view your other pages, this is bad because dialogue is key to the success of your digital marketing campaign.

One reason for a high bounce rate is click-baiting, which can be resolved by providing more valuable content that matches your topic. Generally, a bounce rate of over 40% is considered too high and might indicate an underlying user experience challenge.

Remember also that the larger the file sizes, the more your customers would spend on data charges. A website redesign is therefore needed to bring your business up to speed with the wave of new customers. 

Rebranding Opportunity

As your business grows, you might need to make a few changes in the way your digital marketing assets represent your brand. Sometimes, all it needs is a change in the logo on your letterheads and website. Other times though, you might want to change the entire colour scheme on all marketing collateral. A new website not only integrates these colours, but also gives your brand a lease of fresh air. Your customers see a business that is evolving and looking elegant, while for your staff, it could be the beginning of a new chapter in your business life.

Improved Functionality

Websites are effective when they solve a user’s need. This means the solutions they offer must be accessible to the visitor without much effort. Tied to the problem of high bounce rate is the possibility of lost sales and bad press. You can avoid these by redesigning your website to reflect the needs of your audience. Generally, a visitor must be able to understand these questions: Where am I? Where was I? Where can I go? How can I get there? To make things easy for the visitor, your business website’s menu must be strategically positioned. Main menu items like Home, Contact, Blog, etc., should all be readily accessible. When a visitor is browsing a page, the visitor must be able to tell exactly where he/she is by reading the tag in your business website’s URL; effective digital marketing is fundamentally built on functional business websites.

Customers are on mobile now. Which means they are impatient and would rather not spend more time than necessary on a slow, cumbersome website. With Google’s Test My Site, you can tell how suitable your site is for mobile navigation. The ideal loading time is 3 seconds. Anything more points to fundamental problems with image sizes, other website assets and integrations. A website redesign will help you address these problems in order to build a business website that is user-friendly.

Staying Within Budget

There’s a genuine worry that a website redesign might just eat into your digital marketing budget and deprive you of resources to meet other urgent needs. The truth is, your business website is an important part of your marketing collateral. It is the base of your digital success, and is worth every penny to deliver quality and value. Usually, you get what you pay for. An unprofessional website can hardly give you professional results. However, it is still possible to create the most responsive business website without blowing up the year’s budget. A look at our offers on website development will give you options on the type of business website you want to create that will fit your exact budget. You may also find website promos in this link. If you’re an existing Gesatech customer, you get a 30% discount on website redesign for life.

While it’s also possible to get very cheap business websites, the nature of your business activities and the quality it needs must always be kept in mind. A financial services provider needs a website that is easy to navigate and is also armed with up-to-date security features and financial tools. It should also have a professional look with pages that load instantly. A home designer, however, needs images that look splendid onsite and are also optimised for speed. In effect, your digital marketing activities must be tailored to meet the needs you are solving.

Ultimately, if your business website isn’t giving value to your customers, then you should by all means consider a website redesign.

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