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How to Secure Your Company’s Computer Network

Your computer’s computer network is one of the most important pieces of infrastructure in your business environment. It allows for easy flow of information between endpoints while keeping the information safe from unauthorised access. Keeping your security protocols robust and flexible can be a challenge. Follow these steps to make sure you don’t sacrifice convenience for security.

Intrusion Detection Systems

Large and small corporations alike should invest in Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) to manage network traffic. While the former automatically alerts the network administrator of illegal access to a company’s information systems, the latter performs a more active function in cutting out the access points for malware, spyware, worms, and other corporate espionage tools.

IDS uses past signatures in malware attacks to detect network intruders. It also analyses abnormal characteristics in actions taken by all endpoints in the network. IPS, on the other hand, prevents the exploitation of vulnerable components of the network. Sitting right behind your firewall, an IPS scans through network traffic and limits access to dangerous content.

In addition to this, set up and manage firewalls to form a deep layer of protection for your servers and endpoints. If you sell products or collect customer information online, invest in Web Application Firewalls (WAF) to protect customer data by preventing traffic sniffing, exploit injections and other nefarious activities carried out by cybercriminals.

Secure BYOD

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy is growing among companies in a bid to cut down on hardware and software costs. The policy also means employees are working on devices they are more comfortable with, which has the potential of increasing productivity in the workplace.

However, every endpoint introduced to your computer network is a potential route through which hackers can access your network system. Good network management practices should, therefore, entail a detailed policy on BYOD. The policy should state clearly which devices can be connected to the network system. Some corporations even go on to approve only Apple devices because they are considered more secure. Whatever you decide, make sure this is stated clearly and strongly enforced.

Also, spell out the protocol on antimalware/antivirus updates in clear unambiguous terms. In addition to ensuring encryption tools are always activated, an administrator should set up and implement network access controls to limit data misuse. As a final point on BYOD, monitor and manage how these devices are serviced to ensure the security of company data.

Safeguard Your WiFi

Hackers and other cybercriminals sometimes access your network through wireless connections like WiFi. Weak passwords or, in some cases, the complete absence of encryption, make it easy for outsiders to access your company network.

To secure your network systems, make sure your routers are protected by strong passwords that are changed regularly. Hide your network so that it’s only visible to your workers in order to limit access from third parties. You can do this by setting your router to not broadcast SSID. If you need a wireless connection for your clients, set up a separate network specifically for this purpose. Also, ensure that all information across your network systems are encrypted and are accessed only by interested parties.


Despite advancements in cybersecurity, human errors continue to rank high among vectors of cybercrimes. Poorly applied network management practices and lapses in network security protocols are recipes for disaster.

To boost network security, educate your employees on the need to regularly update passwords on all devices and in all software. Teach them the clear signs of phishing emails and how to dispose of them properly. Also, update workers on the company’s security compliance policies regarding network access, file sharing, and other network security practices. When employees understand the nature of risks their endpoints pose to your network system, they’ll be more proactive in taking steps to stay safe.

As a network administrator, it is important to implement systems that encourage workers to be cyber-aware. Installing devices that snoop on them without their knowledge is a recipe for corporate rebellion. Always invite suggestions from your staff regarding network security while being firm in implementing your security protocols.

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