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ReactOS 0.4 Releases Version That Improves Hardware and File Support System

ReactOS, a free and open-source software compatible with windows NT Architecture, recently had its features improved to support hardware and file systems.

ReactOS being simliar to Linus distributions, integrates varieties of binary-compatible windows, to create a working Operating system image. Although, ReactOS is similar to Microsoft Windows, ReactOS is smaller and lighter in weight as compared to windows 10 that needs a 16GB minimum for installation.

ReactOS 0.4 release, adds to its existing features an improved file support system that includes native but creative support for ext2, ext3, ext4 and a read-only support for  NTFS. There is also an updated bundled version of UniATA to support SATA and PATA devices. Third party drivers have been easier to install owing to this improvement.

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